$25 Will Help Build This Widow a Home

This fundraiser supports COMPLETED Build a House for Rosemary Bezayi
About This Fundraiser
Your $25 will go a long way towards building a widow a home that costs only $800.
Please consider helping build a home for Rosemary Bezayi and her two girls. Typically these people live in a dirt-walled thatched roof hut that always needs maintenance. $800 will build them what they will consider a luxury home. Please consider joining me in this endeavor. Any amount is appreciated.
Here are some videos of homes already built: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6Ia9zjWT_v6UM6qRJrf9rA/videos
Thanks for your help!
Recent Supporters
Charles J 7 years ago
About COMPLETED Build a House for Rosemary Bezayi
Rosemary is 52 years old. Her husband died 10 years ago. She cares for 2 girls.